Friday, 17 March 2017


Trapped, directed by Vikramaditya Motwane (his third film after Udaan and Lootera) is a 102-minute long survival drama about a man trapped in his own apartment without the basic essentials for a living like food, electricity or water. It is then, unsurprising that the role could be pulled off so effectively only by an actor of Rajkumar Rao's caliber, who plays the part with such conviction that he never appears to act; he literally disappears into the character.

It is really hard to review the film without getting into the minutiae of the story, which I do not want to ruin for you. Let's just say Trapped is definitely not an easy film to sit through given the confined spaces, minimal dialogue, relaxed pacing and the distinctive non-filmy feel lingering throughout, but it still remains a bold and important film that challenges the conventional methodology of film-making. The prime reason for the film not turning into a slog is the sharp and focused direction by Motwane. Brick by brick, he builds such an authentic and palpable atmosphere that you feel you're breathing with the character. Also, in the process he draws out a winning performance from Rajkumar, whose unwavering commitment to approach even the most uncomfortable of scenes deserves a huge round of applause.

I'm going with 3.5/5. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but go in with dollops of patience and you won't regret it. In the end, much unlike its name, Trapped is a liberating experience. 

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